CanKleen in Woodbridge

In a world of competitive markets, as a consumer I advise that you have your
“Buyer beware caps” on at all times, even for the simplest of services.
There are many companies that “claim” that offer professional services, friendly staff and have centuries of experience in their field to earn your business and trust and then fail, in this case the owner failed to provide the very fabric of any successful business or service……integrity!
I recently reached out to CanKleen as a potential customer, where I was shocked at the lack of professionalism and human courtesy from the owner. Because of companies like CanKleen in the industry we learn very quickly that you need to protect yourself, by obtaining some sort of security that the services you are requesting or paying for out of your hard earn money is guaranteed or reputable.
I called to book their services last month and spoke to the owner directly; he confirmed the pricing and the date over the phone, just by his lack of interest and tone I sensed that I may need to follow-up and confirm everything we discussed and agreed too over the phone. So I followed up with an email to outline our agreed arrangements in our conversation, date, location, services, pricing etc. He responded and acknowledged my email as well as confirmed the date of service in writing via email.
You would think this would be sufficient, but I was unable to see any testimonials on-line so I called 1 week later to confirm the appointment –1 week out (reminder). Scheduled time off work was required; arrangement of furniture and sleeping accommodations all had to be adjusted in timing of this appointment. So that it was quite important that the appointment was confirmed.
I left a message on his cell phone (red flag when the only number listed on their web site is a cell phone for “the owner”, indicating I was confirming our appointment, date and time and name again.
I was having my couches and mattress steamed cleaned and so we went ahead and moved all furniture and bedding out of the way, I also left work early. The owner never returned this call, I became concerned but thought there is no way an “owner”, who I spoke to verbally and confirmed via email, would “forget an appointment” and so I let it go.
I called him on the morning of the appointment, keep in mind there is no other numbers or reception or anyone to call to check if my appointment was confirmed, so the owner was the only option. Luckily enough, he answered the phone; I stated my name and told him I was confirming our scheduled appointment this evening, at this point you would think he should A. Recognize my name and B. Know his appointments for the day or at lease the ones coming up in a few hours. The appointment was 5 hours away, arrangements the night before to move furniture around, ensure the area was clear and ready to go as well as scheduled time off from work to arrive at home to meet with him later that afternoon.
The owner’s response to that call was “who is this again”? When is the appointment??
Of course my jaw dropped, I reminded him of my call, email, and reminder call 1 week out and now today, he said he was going to check “the book” and call me back. That was the last time I heard from him, after several calls and email to date October 24th 2014.
Moral of this story, pay the extra cost to have a trusted and well reviewed top-shelf service provider handle your services. Beware of “web-front” self pro-claimed businesses, where it’s a one man shop, contracting out people to work for cash. The results are never in favour of the hard working consumers. All it means to them is more money in their pocket, especially to the owner: If there is a “guy” that answers the cell phone trying to run a business he knows nothing about (he may know to use a machine and yes he “can clean”) but this is not how you run a business or treat customers. The principal with all service providers should be the same, don’t get me wrong, a one man contractor can deliver good service.
The outcome for CanKleen is simple, have the decency and integrity to respond regardless if A. You have no proper tracking system to log your appointments, B. You forgot my appointment C. You had an emergency that came up. All of the above warrants a courtesy call back to let the customer know that you are sorry for the inconvenience, express your genuine concern to recover the business and offer an alternate arrangement.
Unfortunately you took the easy route, by screening out the calls and never responding. Here is the outcome, reviews like this, which impact future business with potential paying clients looking for trusted suppliers for service! Next time you will remember to return the call.
In a world of competitive markets, as a consumer I advise that you have your
“Buyer beware caps” on at all times, even for the simplest of services.
There are many companies that “claim” that offer professional services, friendly staff and
have centuries of experience in their field to earn your business and trust and
then fail, in this case the owner failed to provide the very fabric of any successful business or service……integrity!
I recently reached out to CanKleen as a potential customer, where I was shocked at the lack of professionalism and human courtesy from the owner. Because of companies like CanKleen in the industry we learn very quickly that you need to protect yourself, by obtaining some sort of security that the services you are requesting or paying for out of your hard earn money is guaranteed or reputable.
I called to book their services last month and spoke to the owner directly; he confirmed the pricing and the date over the phone, just by his lack of interest and tone I sensed that I may need to follow-up and confirm everything we discussed and agreed too over the phone. So I followed up with an email to outline our agreed arrangements in our conversation, date, location, services, pricing etc. He responded and acknowledged my email as well as confirmed the date of service in writing via email.
You would think this would be sufficient, but I was unable to see any testimonials on-line so I called 1 week later to confirm the appointment –1 week out (reminder). Scheduled time off work was required; arrangement of furniture and sleeping accommodations all had to be adjusted in timing of this appointment. So that it was quite important that the appointment was confirmed.
I left a message on his cell phone (red flag when the only number listed on their web site is a cell phone for “the owner”, indicating I was confirming our appointment, date and time and name again.
I was having my couches and mattress steamed cleaned and so we went ahead and moved all furniture and bedding out of the way, I also left work early. The owner never returned this call, I became concerned but thought there is no way an “owner”, who I spoke to verbally and confirmed via email, would “forget an appointment” and so I let it go.
I called him on the morning of the appointment, keep in mind there is no other numbers or reception or anyone to call to check if my appointment was confirmed, so the owner was the only option. Luckily enough, he answered the phone; I stated my name and told him I was confirming our scheduled appointment this evening, at this point you would think he should A. Recognize my name and B. Know his appointments for the day or at lease the ones coming up in a few hours. The appointment was 5 hours away, arrangements the night before to move furniture around, ensure the area was clear and ready to go as well as scheduled time off from work to arrive at home to meet with him later that afternoon.
The owner’s response to that call was “who is this again”? When is the appointment??
Of course my jaw dropped, I reminded him of my call, email, and reminder call 1 week out and now today, he said he was going to check “the book” and call me back. That was the last time I heard from him, after several calls and email to date October 24th 2014.
Moral of this story, pay the extra cost to have a trusted and well reviewed top-shelf service provider handle your services. Beware of “web-front” self pro-claimed businesses, where it’s a one man shop, contracting out people to work for cash. The results are never in favour of the hard working consumers. All it means to them is more money in their pocket, especially to the owner: If there is a “guy” that answers the cell phone trying to run a business he knows nothing about (he may know to use a machine and yes he “can clean”) but this is not how you run a business or treat customers. The principal with all service providers should be the same, don’t get me wrong, a one man contractor can deliver good service.
The outcome for CanKleen is simple, have the decency and integrity to respond regardless if A. You have no proper tracking system to log your appointments, B. You forgot my appointment C. You had an emergency that came up. All of the above warrants a courtesy call back to let the customer know that you are sorry for the inconvenience, express your genuine concern to recover the business and offer an alternate arrangement.
Unfortunately you took the easy route, by screening out the calls and never responding. Here is the outcome, reviews like this, which impact future business with potential paying clients looking for trusted suppliers for service! Next time you will remember to return the call.
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